OCAPICA Wellnessessity
Stop Asian Hate Support Group
zoomOrganization: OCAPICA Wellnessessity Location: ZOOM To register, visit: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://hipaa.jotform.com/wellnessessity400/stop-asian-hate-open-group-jul-29__;!!KL1yqyOaGX2drUI!wfoTm7TND7yr-vQNKMZnXectB9BnxIL4XSuNh54I5Wpu_vAKneOQyZGRZkdv2wMhQQ$ Join Zoom Meeting: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84346365205?pwd=b3YvU0NTcko4VkEzdm9wTHFPZFA2UT09__;!!KL1yqyOaGX2drUI!wfoTm7TND7yr-vQNKMZnXectB9BnxIL4XSuNh54I5Wpu_vAKneOQyZGRZkfVq_1KHA$ For additional information, please contact Yuki Shida at yshida@ocapica.org
Student Mental Health and Suicide Awareness
ZoomMental health problems can affect a student's energy level, concentration, dependability, mental ability, and optimism in our performances. We will be discussing what is student mental health, what are the signs, what causes it, and ways we can prevent it. Did you know suicide is one of the top 5 mental health challenges students face?…
Art for Healing from Grief: Denial and Anger
ZoomGrief affects us in a variety of ways, and healing from it happens in stages. Join us to learn about the cycle of grief and how to process your feelings in each stage using art and social support. Art supplies will be available for pick up at no cost in Garden Grove for the first…