Do you have trouble empathizing with others or "putting yourself in someone else's shoes?" Join us to learn what emotional intelligence is, and practice building it to become a more compassionate, empathetic individual! Organization: OCAPICA Wellnessessity Location: OCAPICA-Zoom To register, visit:;!!KL1yqyOaGX2drUI!zaNIOajHcuYxpQwFPRRZUeQ0JN-iqZPnAJcOrUveK9LYXa-pgcsgf0eU8Jh_q5AXzA$ For more information, contact Rebecca Park at
If you have a child, chances are you’ve had your fair share of challenging days. Join our fun and interactive classes! Classes available at NO COST TO ORANGE COUNTY parents and caregivers. Class size is limited. Location: Parent class via Zoom (In English). Join us from the comfort of your own home with your smartphone…
Si tiene un hijo, es possible que esten pasando por diferentes desafios durante estos tiempos. iUnase a nuestras clases divertidas e interactivas! Clases disponibles SIN COSTA PARA los padres y proveedores de cuidado del CONDADO DE ORANGE. Cupos limitados. Las clases de paternidad seran a traves de la aplicacion de Zoom (en espanol) iUnase a…
A key part of any relationship is communicating care, which we can do by expressing gratitude and affirmations! Join us to learn how you can add these practices into your life to build healthy relationships with both yourself and others. Organization: OCAPICA Wellnessessity Location: OCAPICA-Zoom To register, visit:;!!KL1yqyOaGX2drUI!3MiR7rFL6Z0DYC4FOC2SkTt4jk8RHxf0wm4T39TFooe2ZwM6gbKeSIDC1AXxzZIeKw$ For more information, contact Rebecca Park at
A webinar on stress, its symptoms and current stressors, and the effects of stress on well-being/mental health. Organization: The Priority Center's Outreach & Engagement Program Location: Zoom Register to attend at:;!!KL1yqyOaGX2drUI!xWkMKA26spudJ_7lZDWVnNjM1xk1WBWPBDTciLQIHp2PiNmiHbQcyJ82mlU3Fa4ljQ$ For more information, contact Jazmin Lopez at or 1(888) 955-6570
Join us in learning more about how we can foster mindful compassion within ourselves and our communities. We will be completing mindfulness activities, providing resources and much more! Organization: OCAPICA Wellnessessity Location: OCAPICA-Zoom To register, visit:;!!KL1yqyOaGX2drUI!w0J49BfSoy4d3dzHIpbG_N8Zkvh9qGKlAvovpNdTzACiY3PXXGGPXIig4no0t9jTyA$ For more information, contact Rebecca Park at
Si tiene un hijo, es possible que esten pasando por diferentes desafios durante estos tiempos. iUnase a nuestras clases divertidas e interactivas! Clases disponibles SIN COSTA PARA los padres y proveedores de cuidado del CONDADO DE ORANGE. Cupos limitados. Las clases de paternidad seran a traves de la aplicacion de Zoom (en espanol) iUnase a…
Getting a sufficient amount of high-quality sleep is critically important for our mental health and well-being, and yet it's estimated that one out of every three adults doesn't get enough sleep. Come join us and receive helpful information and tips to a better sleep. Organization: OCAPICA Wellnessessity Location: OCAPICA-Zoom To register, visit:;!!KL1yqyOaGX2drUI!2wfzUSbA7kwmHzVKwe4S_1u29txup6Trfro3QErRNIxTmoBq1m9Crhw9IuYeOxGkCA$ For more information, contact…
The Laguna Playhouse is presenting an in-person viewing of The Outsiders on November 6, 2021 at 3:00 pm. This production is a coming-of-age tale that speaks to the TAY demographic and sparks conversation on Social Equity. The production will include light refreshments, door prizes, special appearances from the cast, and a mental health panel discussion.…
Si tiene un hijo, lo mas probable es que haya tenido dias desafiantes. I acompanenos en nuestras clases divertidas e interactivas! Clases estan disponibles SIN COSTO para los padres y proveedores de cuidado del condado de Orange. El espaciio es limitado Las clases de paternidad seran a traves de la aplicacion de Zoom (en espanol)…
The holiday season can be very stressful and it can take a toll on one's mental health. Join us today to discuss how we can utilize acts of self-care to help us through tough times. Organization: OCAPICA Wellnessessity Location: OCAPICA-Zoom To register, visit:;!!KL1yqyOaGX2drUI!1m61ul8zoJvpnutnZAg-RrcKtsFdXPV95iRl424VTGIlznMlJ7HDPZQIZ1aRm63sDA$ For more information, contact Rebecca Park at
Mental health problems can affect a student's energy level, concentration, dependability, mental ability, and optimism in our performances. We will be discussing what is student mental health, what are the signs, what causes it, and ways we can prevent problems. Organization: OCAPICA Wellnessessity Location: OCAPICA-Zoom To register, visit:;!!KL1yqyOaGX2drUI!3oylgVsgCcNCyO7tpEov1l2wrfSOzUrZV8WHAF5qO4i7Wcsm8VDuLnIsksyk-k2E5g$ For more information, contact Rebecca Park at
"In honor of National Gratitude Month, we will be learning about the benefits of gratitude and different gratitude practices to use in our daily lives" Organization: OCAPICA Wellnessessity Location: OCAPICA-Zoom To register, visit:;!!KL1yqyOaGX2drUI!3pIytSshU6U19OVKPWzh6InXmnA-_UqVxkX5UX9NTHmMpfLj2IxKT9waKQJmyN5_4g$ For more information, contact Rebecca Park at
A webinar on the definitions of bullying and self-esteem which highlights intervention techniques for working with victims, bystanders, and bullies. Organization: The Priority Center's Outreach & Engagement Program Location: Zoom Register to attend at:;!!KL1yqyOaGX2drUI!xHRzvOFZa2fVJnSusLSaiRFeyd3XgbLLDgkqmLsuNinuRhXDQ-WKFKXbRhJV_qf3vQ$ For more information, contact Jazmin Lopez at or 1(888) 955-6570
Join us in learning more about how we can foster mindful compassion within ourselves and our communities. We will be completing mindfulness activities, providing resources and much more! Organization: OCAPICA Wellnessessity Location: OCAPICA-Zoom Sign up link:;!!KL1yqyOaGX2drUI!0JhACEKcW3Wg3W468MJperXNcYINCCgS-W2nyLG18_IbD_ZC0skAkK7nlfi-Pff5Hg$ For more information, contact Rebecca Park at
Building and maintaining relationships is an essential part of life for most. Joins us today and learn about the different aspects that encompass healthy relationships and what it means to set healthy boundaries. Organization: OCAPICA Wellnessessity Location: OCAPICA-Zoom Sign up link:;!!KL1yqyOaGX2drUI!xFKon2BE6nd5uCSZ_BOX2Do0_KPtPk3aZ8kuO4nJnWJ4Y9YLTn1hFn5jvZF5KcTcrw$ For more information, contact Rebecca Park at
The holiday season can be very stressful and it can take a toll on one's mental health. Join us today to discuss how we can utilize acts of self-care to help us through tough times. Organization: OCAPICA Wellnessessity Location: OCAPICA-Zoom Sign up link;!!KL1yqyOaGX2drUI!w7dtqnkxoM5Ym7rJ80YEuGSyP53ScYIODOxavZ_pllJ8JgYHPPreVtp_zJFlbEZgEQ$ For more information, contact Rebecca Park at
Building and maintaining relationships is an essential part of life for most. Joins us today and learn about the different aspects that encompass healthy relationships and what it means to set healthy boundaries. Organization: OCAPICA Wellnessessity Location: OCAPICA-Zoom Sign up link:;!!KL1yqyOaGX2drUI!xnWtddl3oNQ7gDV4htddJFk98PenAKbTDp55BM4F2hySN7PjOdvgKh2Mr3Oxk6F9Nw$ For more information, contact Rebecca Park at
A webinar on healthy eating, nutrition myths, the importance of exercise and the health effects of overall well-being and its relation to Mental Health. Organization: The Priority Center's Outreach & Engagement Program Location: Zoom To register, visit:;!!KL1yqyOaGX2drUI!0GFNnlIN8sM57CYJn4i94jz6zXHP35OcrZVdjp01XB0eHEkRK4Q4tXtMUDNro8ZTYw$ For more information, contact Jazmin Lopez at or 1(888) 955-6570
Coping skills are used everyday and help us go about our day especially during stressful situations. Understanding what may cause you stress and how you can deal with it can help you feel better. Though there are different types of coping mechanisms - some are helpful, but there are a handful that are not helpful…
Getting a sufficient amount of high-quality sleep is critically important for our mental health and well-being, and yet it's estimated that one out of every three adults doesn't get enough sleep. Come join us and receive helpful information and tips to a better sleep. Organization: OCAPICA Wellnessessity Location: OCAPICA-Zoom Sign up link:;!!KL1yqyOaGX2drUI!xXF-ANQVO4uInsq28FCVzGhTRywD-l9AVZmBsIeraCqgDpkBreTVGf61adML73nw8Q$ For more information, contact…
In honor of National Gratitude Month, we will be learning about the benefits of gratitude and different gratitude practices to use in our daily lives. Organization: OCAPICA Wellnessessity Location: OCAPICA-Zoom Sign up link;!!KL1yqyOaGX2drUI!2K4XNbfIl8GqB1x22Z-pEij-yuG6ZqkwSYm9r9XujLXeH0wle4geEKUR5bRTTFMaxA$ For more information, contact Rebecca Park at
A webinar on what mindfulness is and the benefits of it, and what is self-care, including tips and practices for it. Organization: The Priority Center's Outreach & Engagement Program Location: Zoom To register, visit:;!!KL1yqyOaGX2drUI!wjX6Ni7eRFIeSHxiR427sY9YzE4ArfJzuuCGrO2ZO2Y3fVsUADLiuZVTcZtBpmLa9g$ For more information, contact Jazmin Lopez at or 1(888) 955-6570
A key part of any relationship is communicating care, which we can do by expressing gratitude and affirmations! Join us to learn how you can add these practices into your life to build healthy relationships with both yourself and others. Organization: OCAPICA Wellnessessity Location: OCAPICA-Zoom Sign up link;!!KL1yqyOaGX2drUI!yyZ0Y3z9QjIvFdI6S8MGl9om7UUFgdvQ12iekIMJjB1KPmnpUx7iFHePqoAaCVXJOw$ For more information, contact Rebecca Park at
Join us in learning more about how we can foster mindful compassion within ourselves and our communities. We will be completing mindfulness activities, providing resources and much more! Organization: OCAPICA Wellnessessity Location: OCAPICA-Zoom Sign up link;!!KL1yqyOaGX2drUI!0cPin0_2HLOV__2ekhQQPmHjReUVHgjP0yLnbPU4NJN_yEudSJbYW1OaH2hSAxrUMg$ For more information, contact Rebecca Park at
Mental health problems can affect a student's energy level, concentration, dependability, mental ability, and optimism in our performances. We will be discussing what is student mental health, what are the signs, what causes it, and ways we can prevent problems. Organization: OCAPICA Wellnessessity Location: OCAPICA-Zoom Sign up link;!!KL1yqyOaGX2drUI!xaNYYXI78M2qwFvBQipRb1CPplM2R4mcguIg1LUr_8HeWAtlehtUC4hpIhinl5ywrg$ For more information, contact Rebecca Park at
Feeling alone and isolated during the holidays? You are not so alone. This workshop focuses on loneliness throughout the holidays that many feel and some practices on what to do about it. Organization: OCAPICA Wellnessessity Location: OCAPICA-Zoom Sign up link;!!KL1yqyOaGX2drUI!ymzcVnuD7whIMW9OHDapjrcBv9cERwl4Mc82Apq1kZN_Hjyzo-d2_p0Z4Spohi3uqw$ For more information, contact Rebecca Park at
If you have a child, chances are you’ve had your fair share of challenging days. Join our fun and interactive classes! Classes available at NO COST TO ORANGE COUNTY parents and caregivers. Class size is limited. Location: Parent class via Zoom (In English). Join us from the comfort of your own home with your smartphone…
The holidays can keep us very busy at the end of the year, join us to learn about the ways we can manage our holiday related stress and take the time to focus on your well being. This workshop will provide education, resources and the opportunity to learn new skills and participate in activities! Organization: OCAPICA…
Getting a sufficient amount of high-quality sleep is critically important for our mental health and well-being, and yet it's estimated that one out of every three adults doesn't get enough sleep. Come join us and receive helpful information and tips to a better sleep. Organization: OCAPICA Wellnessessity Location: OCAPICA-Zoom Sign up at;!!KL1yqyOaGX2drUI!zj9h_2Mr7dwQKkScoc5of9fKUXSnXXhAkLThWG7IGOqBtzw1-oppFQPGAC88Oc2reQ$ For additional information, contact…
As the year comes to a close, let's take a moment to remember our goals, accomplishments, and growth! Join us to celebrate ourselves and set intentions for the new year. Organization: OCAPICA Wellnessessity Location: OCAPICA-Zoom Sign up at;!!KL1yqyOaGX2drUI!xwP8gx66nxtsP-5hpAx9qPPjvY0aAguNWAYY7Rny0tG0JdtrVl47mnSqWXgUkxBWIg$ For additional information, contact Rebecca Park at
Coping skills are used everyday and helps us go about our day, especially during stressful situations. Understanding what may cause you stress and how you can deal with it can help you feel better. Though there are different types of coping mechanisms some are helpful, and there are a handful that are not helpful for…