What does it mean to appreciate yourself? Join us to learn about self-esteem, self-worth, and self-compassion to start becoming your own biggest fan. https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.eventbrite.com/e/wellness-webinar-cultivating-your-self-worth-tickets-164894821851?aff=ebdsoporgprofile__;!!KL1yqyOaGX2drUI!2hq-pwHCnq72LIKHw7BwNlnDKJ7LiuigT71YGXzGtDUTx6EUyLkZcwo7vfxL5pj8qw$ For more information please contact yshida@ocapica.org
Sleep Management & Wellness During COVID-19 August 31 @ 10:30 am - 11:30 am Getting a sufficient amount of high-quality sleep is critically important for our mental health and well-being, and yet it's estimated that one out of every three adults doesn't get enough sleep. Come join us and receive helpful information and tips to…
Mental health problems can affect a student's energy level, concentration, dependability, mental ability, and optimism in our performances. We will be discussing what is student mental health, what are the signs, what causes it, and ways we can prevent it. Did you know suicide is one of the top 5 mental health challenges students face?…
Organization: OMID Multicultural Institute for Development Highlighting signs that may not be commonly visible to most of us and how they can be indicative of suicidal attempts. For more information, please contact Inas Younis at iyounis@omidinstitute.org
Join the OC Student Mental Health Team for Back to School Open Houses running throughout September! Each 30-minute weekly session will focus on a specific topic and highlight a resource developed by the Resource Directory team. OC Networking will host the series alongside guest speakers who helped develop these resources. In this session, you will…
Organization: Council on Aging-Southern California Suicide Prevention Awareness begins September 5th through September 11th. Come participate in Yellow Yoga by wearing your favorite yellow item as yellow is the color of Suicide Prevention and get relaxing with some chair yoga / Location: Zoom To register, contact Christine Tran-Le at ctranle@coasc.org or 714-352-8836.
Organization: The Priority Center's Outreach & Engagement Program The Outreach & Engagement Program at The Priority Center will host a free Zoom webinar identifying signs, risk factors and statistics associated with self-harm and suicidal ideation statements. Support strategies, safety planning tips and resources will be provided. To register, visit: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://suicide-prevention-9-7-21.eventbrite.com__;!!KL1yqyOaGX2drUI!zjGFPvuH8wOtpG8Irztl7JoBh5Z6yhn6gd22_ne1eMO326LIAORagh2HhCDKs0_g6Q$ For more information, contact Jazmin…
Organization: Council on Aging-Southern California In collaboration with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, COASC will host a virtual presentation for seniors regarding suicide information, awareness and prevention. / Location: Zoom To register, contact Jessica Bautista at jbautista@coasc.org or 714-352-8820.
If you have a child, chances are you’ve had your fair share of challenging days. Join our fun and interactive classes! Classes available at NO COST TO ORANGE COUNTY parents and caregivers. Class size is limited. Location: Parent class via Zoom (In English) Join us from the comfort of your own home with your smartphone…
Organization: Western Youth Services This presentation is aimed to help understand what self-harm is. It will review myths and facts about self-harm, warning signs to be aware of, ways in which a person may be a source of support for another who self-harms, and how to start a conversation with a person who may be…
Organization: Didi Hirsch Mental Health Services Join us in learning more about suicide prevention and how to help support someone in crisis. We will go over how to reduce stigma in suicide and resources that are available in the OC community. This training is offered in both English and Spanish. Location: Zoom To register, contact…
Join us today on learning how we can foster positive coping skills through COVID-19 by learning how to manage stress! We will also be discussing learn the signs for suicide prevention. We will be discussing the importance of self care during the pandemic. This webinar will provide you with an opportunity to practice coping skills,…
This presentation is an introduction to mental health, how to practice self care, and navigating mental health services Organization: OCAPICA Wellnessessity Location: ZOOM To register, contact Yuki Shida at (844) 530-0240 or yshida@ocapica.org
Organization: Olive Crest Olive Crest's Parenting Education Program is providing a one day workshop, in Spanish, for suicide prevention month. The event will include an honest conversation with parents about behaviors, emotions, and signs of depression, anxiety, and suicide in their youth. Presentation followed by Q&A. Location: This is a Zoom event, so bring your…
APAIT's Outreach and Engagement team will be hosting a 60-minute presentation about Suicide Prevention in the LGBTQ+ Community. The discussion will include information about statistics, risk & protective factors, warning signs, interventions, resources, and more. Additionally, there will be 30 minutes after the presentation for questions and discussion. Location: Zoom To register for presentation, please click…
Si tiene un hijo, es possible que esten pasando por diferentes desafios durante estos tiempos. iUnase a nuestras clases divertidas e interactivas! Clases disponibles SIN COSTA PARA los padres y proveedores de cuidado del CONDADO DE ORANGE. Cupos limitados. Las clases de paternidad seran a traves de la aplicacion de Zoom (en espanol) iUnase a…
Si tiene un hijo, es possible que esten pasando por diferentes desafios durante estos tiempos. iUnase a nuestras clases divertidas e interactivas! Clases disponibles SIN COSTA PARA los padres y proveedores de cuidado del CONDADO DE ORANGE. Cupos limitados. Las clases de paternidad seran a traves de la aplicacion de Zoom (en espanol) iUnase a…
Si tiene un hijo, es possible que esten pasando por diferentes desafios durante estos tiempos. iUnase a nuestras clases divertidas e interactivas! Clases disponibles SIN COSTA PARA los padres y proveedores de cuidado del CONDADO DE ORANGE. Cupos limitados. Las clases de paternidad seran a traves de la aplicacion de Zoom (en espanol) iUnase a…
If you have a child, chances are you’ve had your fair share of challenging days. Join our fun and interactive classes! Classes available at NO COST TO ORANGE COUNTY parents and caregivers. Class size is limited. Location: Parent class via Zoom (In English) Join us from the comfort of your own home with your smartphone…
Join us today on learning how we can foster positive coping skills through COVID-19 by learning how to manage stress! We will also be discussing learn the signs for suicide prevention. We will be discussing the importance of self care during the pandemic. This webinar will provide you with an opportunity to practice coping skills,…
Organization: The Priority Center's Outreach & Engagement Program The Outreach & Engagement Program at The Priority Center will host a free Zoom webinar identifying signs, risk factors and statistics associated with self-harm and suicidal ideation statements. Support strategies, safety planning tips and resources will be provided. Location: Zoom To register, visit: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://suicide-prevention-9-15-21.eventbrite.com__;!!KL1yqyOaGX2drUI!zlwuMrtG--q0niKG3pFEiPrc9lBH9-TLJq6kBglbtvHC-d6-X4VFTikFJJuFVel5yw$ For more information,…
Si tiene un hijo, es possible que esten pasando por diferentes desafios durante estos tiempos. iUnase a nuestras clases divertidas e interactivas! Clases disponibles SIN COSTA PARA los padres y proveedores de cuidado del CONDADO DE ORANGE. Cupos limitados. Las clases de paternidad seran a traves de la aplicacion de Zoom (en espanol) iUnase a…
Si tiene un hijo, es possible que esten pasando por diferentes desafios durante estos tiempos. iUnase a nuestras clases divertidas e interactivas! Clases disponibles SIN COSTA PARA los padres y proveedores de cuidado del CONDADO DE ORANGE. Cupos limitados. Las clases de paternidad seran a traves de la aplicacion de Zoom (en espanol) iUnase a…
Mental health problems can affect a student's energy level, concentration, dependability, mental ability, and optimism in our performances. We will be discussing what is student mental health, what are the signs, what causes it, and ways we can prevent it. Did you know suicide is one of the top 5 mental health challenges students face?…
Join the OC Student Mental Health Team for Back to School Open Houses running throughout September! Each 30-minute weekly session will focus on a specific topic and highlight a resource developed by the Resource Directory team. OC Networking will host the series alongside guest speakers who helped develop these resources. This session will provide an…
Si tiene un hijo, es possible que esten pasando por diferentes desafios durante estos tiempos. iUnase a nuestras clases divertidas e interactivas! Clases disponibles SIN COSTA PARA los padres y proveedores de cuidado del CONDADO DE ORANGE. Cupos limitados. Las clases de paternidad seran a traves de la aplicacion de Zoom (en espanol) iUnase a…
Si tiene un hijo, lo mas probable es que haya tenido dias desafiantes. I acompanenos en nuestras clases divertidas e interactivas! Clases estan disponibles SIN COSTO para los padres y proveedores de cuidado del condado de Orange. El espaciio es limitado Las clases de paternidad seran a traves de la aplicacion de Zoom (en espanol)…
If you have a child, chances are you’ve had your fair share of challenging days. Join our fun and interactive classes! Classes available at NO COST TO ORANGE COUNTY parents and caregivers. Class size is limited. Location: parent class via Zoom (In English) Join us from the comfort of your own home with your smartphone…
Organization: The Priority Center's Outreach & Engagement Program The Outreach & Engagement Program at The Priority Center will host a free Zoom webinar identifying signs, risk factors and statistics associated with self -harm and suicidal ideation statements. Support strategies, safety planning tips and resources will be provided. Location: Zoom To register, visit: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://suicide-prevention-9-18-21.eventbrite.com__;!!KL1yqyOaGX2drUI!zBR4YW8U8ZRetO8V2_QU9OZxos0f4MAIcRXM9Blj5sYBytEY4H0hjARz0oFwHdN9Fg$ For more…
Organization: The Priority Center's Outreach & Engagement Program The Outreach & Engagement Program at The Priority Center will host a free Zoom webinar on bereavement myths, stages of grief, the concept of death by age, with the differentiations of how to recognize signs of grief in children and teenagers. Location: Zoom To register, visit: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://bereavement-for-suicide-prevention-9-20-21.eventbrite.com__;!!KL1yqyOaGX2drUI!xTdMbKoyiUsEw7hTYjryUR3XOBxC1YploLpAcEJ5RDbs3JimmSbkyLlrDFDuVxH12A$…
Mental health problems can affect a student's energy level, concentration, dependability, mental ability, and optimism in our performances. We will be discussing what is student mental health, what are the signs, what causes it, and ways we can prevent it. Did you know suicide is one of the top 5 mental health challenges students face?…
Organization: Western Youth Services This presentation is aimed to help understand what self-harm is. It will review myths and facts about self-harm, warning signs to be aware of, ways in which a person may be a source of support for another who self-harms, and how to start a conversation with a person who may be…
Grief affects us in a variety of ways, and healing from it happens in stages. Join us to learn about the cycle of grief and how to process your feelings in each stage using art and social support. Art supplies will be available for pick up at no cost in Garden Grove for the first…
Si tiene un hijo, es possible que esten pasando por diferentes desafios durante estos tiempos. iUnase a nuestras clases divertidas e interactivas! Clases disponibles SIN COSTA PARA los padres y proveedores de cuidado del CONDADO DE ORGANGE. Cupos limitados. Las clases de paternidad seran a traves de la aplicacion de Zoom (en espanol) iUnase a…
FALOUT is a support group for families you have been impacted by a loved ones substance use or mental health challenges. We also welcome people in recovery so that we can all connect with each other and support one another. Day/Time: 2nd & 4th Wednesday of each month, from 7 PM to 8 PM Organization: FALOUT…
Honest Hour is a virtual and anonymous safe space for teens and young adults to seek answers to your mental health questions and connect through shared experiences. On September 22nd, join NAMI-OC for Honest Hour. Our panel will be debunking the myths and sharing the facts surrounding teen and young adult substance use and suicide…
Join us today on learning how we can foster positive coping skills through COVID-19 by learning how to manage stress! We will also be discussing learn the signs for suicide prevention. We will be discussing the importance of self care during the pandemic. This webinar will provide you with an opportunity to practice coping skills,…
Children experience periods of stress in their lives and need the emotional skills to deal with it. Join the School Readiness Program, AT NO COST, as we discuss ways parents can help their children become emotionally resilient! Class will be offered through Zoom in morning and evening sessions. Location: Zoom Organization: The Priority Center School Readiness…
Organization: Didi Hirsch Mental Health Services Join us in learning more about suicide prevention and how to help support someone in crisis. We will go over how to reduce stigma in suicide and resources that are available to the OC community. Location: Zoom To register, contact Kimberly Jow at kjow@didihirsch.org or 714-989-8309.
Organization: Council on Aging-Southern California / In-Service to COASC HICAP Program covering suicide prevention/crisis intervention. Dr. Park will review with HICAP team: warning signs to seek out when providing Medicare counseling to seniors in person or on the phone, how to diplomatically ask questions, and where to re-direct clients for help. / To register, contact…
The Connect-OC Coalition hosts our monthly meeting the last Friday of every month at 10am via Zoom This month we’ll be exploring the intersection of TAY mental health and grief in all its complexity: including loss, trauma, community, and resources to begin the healing journey. Zoom Meeting ID: 840 4462 9228 Password: 139034 Direct Link:…
Bridging the Gap to Recovery in Orange County Live Music, Recovery Speakers, Food, Games and Family Fun. Location: KiwanisLand, 9840 Larson Avenue, Garden Grove, CA 92844 (https://goo.gl/maps/oAdeRBUJKWT5Xkqv9)
Join us today on learning how we can foster positive coping skills through COVID-19 by learning how to manage stress! Also we will be discussing the importance of self care during the pandemic. This webinar will provide you with an opportunity to practice coping skills and resources! Organization: OCAPICA Location: Zoom Sign up at https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://hipaa.jotform.com/wellnessessity400/coping-skills-self-care-oct-28__;!!KL1yqyOaGX2drUI!x4K0lyRV-mtXeDWHpJ3Zpe0HNBupqgNBh_Zc5xTD5Ye_ALjylIiByFNXerwqXHKxtg$ For…
Mental health problems can affect a student's energy level, concentration, dependability, mental ability, and optimism in our performances. We will be discussing what is student mental health, what are the signs, what causes it, and ways we can prevent it. Did you know suicide is one of the top 5 mental health challenges students face?…
On September 28th, join NAMI-OC for a mocktail mixology class! Follow along and get creative with us during Happy Hour as we demonstrate how to make fun and easy fall inspired hot and cold family-friendly drinks such as hot apple cider and creamy lemonade just to name a few. As we mix things up, lets…
Join us today on learning how we can foster positive coping skills through COVID-19 by learning how to manage stress! We will also be discussing learn the signs for suicide prevention. We will be discussing the importance of self care during the pandemic. This webinar will provide you with an opportunity to practice coping skills,…
Organization: OMID Multicultural Institute for Development Discussing important facts about suicide: signs, attitudes and behaviors. Possible reasons for a person to consider suicide The stigma and culture For more information, please contact Inas Younis at iyounis@omidinstitute.org
Suicide is a public health issue. Learn about the risk and protective factors that contribute to suicide, warning signs to look for, barriers to seeking help, and how to help someone in need. Organization: OCAPICA Wellnessessity Location: ZOOM To register, contact Yuki Shida at (844) 530-0240 or yshida@ocapica.org
Join the OC Student Mental Health Team for Back to School Open Houses running throughout September! Each 30-minute weekly session will focus on a specific topic and highlight a resource developed by the Resource Directory team. OC Networking will host the series alongside guest speakers who helped develop these resources. Mental health crises threaten students…