Your Teen Toolbox Workshops for parents and teens, promoting healthy teen years. Screening of the "S" word, an award winning documentary from 2017. This powerful film profiles survivors of suicide in an effort to end the stigma and silence around suicide. Join us after the screening for a panel discussion with mental health professionals and…
TIME: Recorded Zoom Webinar Call or email OMID for Link WHERE: Webinar on ZOOM: How to maintain self-esteem and how to practice Self-care For further information and to register for this presentation available to the general public, please call OMID at 1 (949) 502-4721 or email Sara at . Once registered, an email confirmation…
TIME: 12-1 p.m. WHERE: Virtual via Zoom. Please contact Lorraine Tuala at to register. Ocapica O&E staff will provide an educational workshop on balancing wellness in various aspects of your life. For more information, please call (844) 530-0240
TIME: 12:00-1:00 p.m. WHERE: In this workshop, learn various coping skills to help with difficult feelings at home, school, and in the community.
For further information and to register for this presentation available to the general public, please contact OCAPICA at (844) 530-0240. Once registered, an email confirmation will be sent with further information about the Zoom workshop.
To register: Let’s de-clutter our mind, and tune in to the present moment. Learn how to treat yourself with kindness, compassion, and acceptance. This workshop will focus on what mindfulness is and why it is imperative to our mental health. We will teach you coping skills, techniques to relax, and guide you through a…
Zoom Virtual Meeting This class will focus on identifying what Mental Health is and how the participants define MH and will educate correct breathing methods and strengthening exercises that could be done in the home or at a facility. This activity will allow the participants to empower themselves when they feel depressed and anxious.…
Webinar in ZOOM For further information and to register for this presentation available to the general public, please contact OCAPICA at (844) 530-0240. Once registered, an email confirmation will be sent with further information about the Zoom workshop. Want to add more tools in your emotional toolbox? Come and join us to learn more!
For more info contact (714) 399-3474 Or visit WYS O&E will be promoting MHA Month during Anaheim Grab & Go meal distribution events for children and families.
WHERE: Webinar on zoom For further information and to register for this presentation available to the general public, please contact or call APAIT at 1 (714) 636-1349. Once registered, an email confirmation will be sent with further information about the Zoom meeting. The O&E Team will be hosting a 60-minute presentation about Intimate Partner…
WHERE: Zoom Live - Link and access information sent to registered participants: Contact via email: or via phone: (714) 953-LGBT (5428) ext. 206 for more information or questions.
TIME: On going WHERE: Latino Health Access Facebook page Latino Health Access will post the following: 1. The OC Health Care Agency’s Each Mind Matters video called "What it Means to Wear Lime Green" 2. Sananamente’s poster called "Los mitos y la realidad de vivir con un reto de salud mental." 3.'s fact…
WHERE: Webinar on ZOOM For further information and to register for this presentation available to the general public, please contact us at OCAPICA at (844) 530-0240. Once registered, an email confirmation will be sent with further information about the Zoom workshop. How to stay present and be in the moment? We encourage you to join…
WHERE: Zoom To register: During this presentation we will go over the four color zones and identify emotions and state of alertness under each zone. For additional information please contact: Yeslee Fuentes, Lead Outreach & Engagement Specialist (949) 680-0962. Email:
Recorded Zoom Webinar Call or email for link: 1 (949) 502-4721 or email Sara at For further information and to register for this presentation available to the general public, please call OMID at 1 (949) 502-4721 or email Sara at Once registered, an email confirmation will be sent with further information about the…
WHERE: Virtual-Zoom For further information and to register for this webinar training available to the general public, please contact or call the InfoLine at 1(888) 955-6570. Once registered, a link will be sent with the meeting ID and password for the Zoom webinar. The O&E Team will be hosting a 30-minute presentation on the…
Virtual via Zoom How to stay present and be in the moment? We encourage you to join us to learn more about mindfulness with OCAPICA O&E team! Please contact Lorraine Tuala at to register. For more information, please call (844) 530-0240
WHERE: Zoom To register In this workshop, learn new ways to connect with your community, families and friends by using technology and other methods of communication. For additional information please contact: Yeslee Fuentes, Lead Outreach & Engagement Specialist (949) 680-0962. Email:
Students will be invited to receive a Butterfly kit; it includes a self-care/caring for the caterpillars' checklist and a resource guide to help support their mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic. It will also include an invitation for a follow up YouTube video where recipients will have the opportunity to view a DIY on how…
WHERE: Zoom A Zoom drop-in celebration of mental health awareness month with a discussion surrounding Mental Health Awareness and Social Emotional Learning. The celebration will include a Zoom skit: A Friend In Need
WHERE: Virtual via Zoom What is decluttering really mean? Come find out what you can do to create the space of your dreams with the Ocapica team! Please contact Lorraine Tuala at to register. For more information, please call (844) 530-0240
TIME: Recorded ZOOM Webinar Call or Email for Link WHERE: Webinar on ZOOM For further information and to register for this presentation available to the general public, please call OMID at 1 (949) 502-4721 or email Sara at . Once registered, an email confirmation will be sent with further information about the Zoom meeting.…
WHERE: Virtual-Zoom For further information and to register for this webinar training available to the general public, please contact or call the InfoLine at 1(888) 955-6570. Once registered, a link will be sent with the meeting ID and password for the Zoom webinar. The O&E Team will be hosting a 30-minute presentation on the…
WHERE: Webinar on ZOOM For further information and to register for this presentation available to the general public, please call OMID at 1 (949) 502-4721 or email Sara at . Once registered, an email confirmation will be sent with further information about the Zoom meeting. We will discuss how to manage our stress and…
WHERE: Zoom To register: In this webinar, learn to nurture the relationship you have with yourself by finding your wonderful traits and characteristics, increasing positive self-talk, and understanding what self-care activities work for you. For additional information please contact: Yeslee Fuentes, Lead Outreach & Engagement Specialist (949) 680-0962. Email:
WHERE: YouTube To receive link or more information please email: BHIS will be facilitating a stress management lesson for parents and caregivers. During this session, the audience will receive tips on how to manage and reduce stress, ideas on how to create a new healthy routine at home, ways to unwind and a list…
WHERE: Zoom Connect-OC Coalition is a coalition of local community mental health professionals, local college/university faculty and students all dedicated to increasing accessibility to mental health services for transitional aged youth, young adults (TAY/YA) and their families in Orange County, CA. For more information and ways to join future coalition meetings you can visit our…
For more info contact (714) 399.3474 Or visit WYS O&E will be promoting MHA Month during Anaheim Grab & Go meal distribution events for children and families.