Western Youth Services Presents Resilience

Join us for healing, hope and insight as we advance awareness on one of the largest public health crisis in our country. As the highly acclaimed documentary Resilience - The Biology of Stress and the Science of Hope reveals, there is a dangerous biological syndrome caused by abuse and neglect during childhood. Toxic stress impacts…

How to Keep Seniors Mentally Stimulated

A conversation about the importance of staying socially engaged, especially during these trying times. Virtual Presentation https://zoom.us/j/4670969882?pwd=K3dsZ2Ntc0F2WWFHam5Kb2lhV3V5QT09 For additional information, please contact: Nadia Abdalla, Case Manager Access California Services Phone: (714) 917-0440 Email: nadiaa@accesscal.org

DHMHS Open Virtual Training (General Adult)

DHMHS: Survivor Support Services will continues to provide virtual trainings open to the community throughout the month of May along with PDF versions of outreach materials. VIRTUALLY VIA ZOOM For more information, please request flyer from: jconstanza@didihirsch.org or kjow@didihirsch.org Please call or email to RSVP: (714) 989-8301 or kjow@didihirsch.org

Social Emotional Learning Skills for Success – 5th Grade

Our workshops will be accessible through Eventbrite and will be targeted in approach to meet needs of students, parents, caregivers, teachers, and caring adults in the lives of children in grade levels that administrators have identified as higher needs due to the pandemic. WYS-BHIS providers will utilize Zones of Regulation to help provide and teach…

Safe from the Start – Parenting minors/ Transitional Aged Youth (TAY)

Safe from the Start is a presentation that educates participants on the effects of violence on the developing brain. This training provides an understanding of brain development and how the brain can be rewired and healed, and providing a message of HOPE. Virtual Presentation - Zoom: https://ocde.zoom.us/j/85824334412 Meeting ID: 858 2433 4412 For more information,…

Suicide Prevention Presentation for Adolescents presented by Didi Hirsch

This presentation will provide a basic overview of suicide prevention. Participants will learn about the nature of suicide, related statistics, risk factors and warning signs. Participants will also learn what to do and who to talk to when a friend or family member is suicidal. Location: Virtual presentation. To register, call 949-764-6542 or email rocio.valenciavega@hoag.org

OUR STORIES – LGBTQUIA+ Workshop Session

Dave Barton (Director/Playwright/Journalist) leads OUR STORIES Workshop to explore your story and ways to tell/share it with our community. Laguna Playhouse Zoom http://bit.ly/OSPrideZoom REGISTER FOR SESSION AT: http://bit.ly/OurStoriesPRIDE Please contact Dylan if you have any questions at: drussell@lagunaplayhouse.com.

O&E Collaborative MHA Month Event: “In the Time of COVID: Feeling is Healing” Conference

The Priority Center’s O&E program, together with Western Youth Services and OCAPICA present their first annual virtual event to celebrate Mental Health Awareness Month safely during the COVID-19 pandemic. The virtual event focuses on stigma reduction through virtual live educational webinars presented by a keynote speaker, pre-recorded webinars on topics of mental health, and a…

Seneca Family of Agencies Presents Responding to Crisis Calls/Messages

This training explores the steps and considerations to take when receiving a call or message from someone experiencing a crisis. Targeted audience: Mental Health Professionals in a direct-care setting Virtual event (Zoom). To register for this training, please visit: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/seneca-responding-to-crisiscallsmessages-tickets-140444977709 For more information or questions regarding this event, please email: training@westernyouthservices.org.