Teaching Artists Diana Brown & Erin Sawyer share Improv exercises to shift your mindset to play and inspire creativity. Diana & Erin celebrate that YOU are infinitely amazing and our story wouldn’t be the same without you. Laguna Playhouse FaceBook live https://www.facebook.com/thelagunaplayhouse Please contact Dylan if you have any questions at: drussell@lagunaplayhouse.com
Connecting In A New Age
In this webinar, participants will explore new ways to connect with their community, families and friends by using technology and other methods of communication. This presentation will shine light on the different forms of online communications, such as social media, and common technical jargon associated with the various activities kids might participate in. This comprehensive…
Virtual Hangouts: Cooking Together – Yogurt and Granola Ice Popsicles
For participants 12 years and older with adult supervision. English and Spanish. To register, text "COCINANDO" to 714-696-1126 To view the flyer, click here LHA-COOK-MAY21
Family Night
Olive Crest will be hosting a Family Night in Spanish in collaboration with Santa Ana Unified School District. Prior to the event, registered families will receive a bag with materials for an activity, Each Mind Matters merchandise, a bilingual book for the family, raffle tickets, and literature on resources in the community. The event will…
Masking in the Sun: A Day of Safe Family Fun
Join us for a day of fun: Live DJ, Magician and Balloon Artist, Petting Zoo, Wishing Tree and Photobooth, Receive a Free Tote Bag, and Opportunity Drawing. Reservations required: www.namioc-familyfun.eventbrite.com. Newsong Church, 1010 W. 17th Street, Santa Ana, CA 92706 To view the flyer, click here Masking-Sun-May22
Connect-OC Mental Health Month Social Media Campaign Breaking Barriers
Connect-OC will be kicking off a social media campaign to support Mental Health Month. The overarching theme for the month will be “Breaking Barriers” and each week will have a separate theme/focus. This week will focus on “Breaking through.” Content will incorporate positive affirmations, quotes, statistics, Each Mind Matters information, etc. that seek to provide…
Seneca Family of Agencies Presents Pride Creating Affirming Spaces for Trans and Queer Youths (CEUs)
Creating Affirming Spaces for Trans and Queer Youth is a comprehensive training about better meeting the needs of youth in the queer and trans community. As queer and trans youth are over-represented in systems of care, all service providers should be mindful of their unique experiences in these systems. The training will provide an introduction…
Off the Couch for Mental Wellness
This workshop will provide healthy tips from a registered nurse to get you off the couch, maximize your mental wellness and achieve your health goals. Location: Virtual presentation. To register, call call 949-764-6542 or email rocio.valenciavega@hoag.org
Financial stress management and removing stigma (in FARSI)
In this webinar we will discuss: How to deal with financial stress during COVID-19 crisis and the relationship between financial stress and Mental health. Presenter Halleh Nia, MA, CLC Zoom Webinar https://zoom.us/j/98751919871?pwd=SnBiaitBbkdxcHg4amNocWNvMUhHQT09#success Meeting ID: 987 5191 9871 Passcode: 732172 Please email or call Shana if you have any questions at: mgheisari@omidintitute.org or (949) 502-4721
Chair Yoga for Mental Clarity (For English Speakers)
The Council on Aging’s ReConnect Program is providing chair yoga as an activity during Mental Health Awareness Month. Chair yoga can improve proprioception and give you greater control of your body and movement. Reduce stress, anxiety, depression, and improve mental clarity with chair yoga. Chair yoga can lessen the impacts of chronic illnesses and pain.…