Stress Management and Positive Coping Skills
Join us today on learning how we can foster positive coping skills through COVID-19 by learning how to manage stress! Also, we will be discussing the importance of self care during the pandemic. This webinar will provide you with an opportunity to practice coping skills and resources! Organization: Orange County Asian and Pacific Islander Community Alliance…
Stress and Anxiety: Coping During COVID-19 webinar
The O&E Team will be hosting a 60-minute presentation that addresses the importance of mental health during a pandemic, and adopting and/or maintaining healthy self-care practices. The O&E specialist will educate participants on the benefits of healthy coping skills and provide examples of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual coping skills. Participants will be encouraged to…
Calm Box (English)
Workshop for children ages 6-12 years old. Participants will learn ways to self-regulate and will create a calm box to take home that will be filled with tools to help them cope. This workshop is designed for younger children to help them understand how to identify, express and cope with emotions. Workshop will be conducted…
Bienestar (español)
Taller para adultos para aprender habilidades de afrontamiento saludables para manejar el estrés y las emociones difíciles. Organizacion: Hoag Mental Health Center Locatcon: 307 Placentia Ave Newport Beach, CA 92663 Para mas informacion, contacto Mental Health Center a o 949-764-6542
The Impact of COVID on Long Term Mental Health Workshop
The OMID team will be hosting a workshop discussing the impact of COVID on long term mental health workshop. In this workshop, participants will learn about different long-term effects on mental health due to COVID, depression, anxiety, insomnia, and other mental health disorders that have been extended through these times, and what they can do…
Hablar Salva Vidas (SPANISH)
El suicidio se puede prevenir. Esta presentación cubrirá lo que sabemos sobre esta causa principal de muerte, la investigación más actualizada sobre prevención, y qué podemos hacer para luchar contra el suicidio. Los participantes aprenderán los factores de riesgo comunes para suicidio, cómo detectar las señales de advertencia en los demás y cómo mantenernos a…
Active Parenting: School-Aged Course
If you have a child, chances are you’ve had your fair share of challenging days. Join our fun and interactive classes! Classes available at NO COST TO ORANGE COUNTY parents and caregivers. Class size is limited. Location: Parent class via Zoom (In English). Join us from the comfort of your own home with your smartphone…
Intro to Mental Health and Navigating Resources
This presentation covers an introduction to mental health and how to utilize mental health resources. Organization: OCAPICA Well(ness)essity This virtual workshop is presented at no-cost by the OCAPICA Well(ness)essity Program. Please RSVP. Location:;!!KL1yqyOaGX2drUI!0Ha6nHa8oHRmIo1SZ8xtwadhECN5P0MJA5bM6KJ8jiEy2f8xsUqMtjxfpepxiBNfMw$ For more information, contact Nikki Oei at
Homework Halftime: Micro Mugs
Finals are stressful but study breaks aren’t! Take a short study break with NAMI-OC. Take part in a variety of stress busting activities and put your mental health first this study season! Join us on Instagram Live as we whip up our favorite study comfort foods. Don’t have access to a full kitchen, no problem!…
Post Traumatic Stress Responses and Coping Webinar
During Mental Health Awareness Month, the APAIT O&E Team will be hosting a 60-minute presentation to discuss post-traumatic stress responses and how to cope with them. The O&E Specialist will define post-traumatic stress responses and identify coping skills that participants implement into their daily and/or weekly routines to reduce mental and emotional impact. The O&E…