LGBTQ+ Identities and Mental Health Webinar
During Mental Health Awareness Month, the APAIT O&E Team will be hosting a 60-minute presentation addressing LGBTQ identities and terminologies while discussing how these identities are impacted by trauma and social stressors. The O&E specialist will provide psychoeducation regarding this marginalized community. Participants will be encouraged to share their knowledge about the LGBTQ+ population and…
Gardening Workshop (English)
The Abrazar team will host a gardening workshop in English. In this workshop, participants will learn about gardening and its benefits to reduce and improve their mental health. They will engage in potting soil activity that will help in promoting a “growth mindset”. This workshop will help improve participants’ moods as it is a social…
Gardening Workshop (Spanish)
The Abrazar team will host a gardening workshop in Spanish. In this workshop, participants will learn about gardening and its benefits to reduce and improve their mental health. They will engage in potting soil activity that will help in promoting a “growth mindset”. This workshop will help improve participants’ moods as it is a social…
Gardening Workshop (Spanish)
The Abrazar team will host a gardening workshop in Spanish. In this workshop, participants will learn about gardening and its benefits to reduce and improve their mental health. They will engage in potting soil activity that will help in promoting a “growth mindset”. This workshop will help improve participants’ moods as it is a social…
The Colors of WEllness: Sharing Empathy and Compassion
Latino Health Access will be hosting a Mental Health conversation emphasizing “Sharing empathy and Compassion” to reduce stigma. Families will have the opportunity to create a piece of art by painting using a canvas and acrylic paints. The piece of art will be displayed during the last event. In Addition, we will show a short…
Knowledge Forum: How to Support Your Loved One with a Mental Health Condition
Dave Dicken, Crisis Counselor at Crisis Text Line and Director of Recruiting at Rockside Ranch, offers insight on best practices for communicating, empathizing, and understanding your loved one with a mental health condition and ways you can find connection and peace with your loved one. Organization: NAMI Orange County Location: Zoom To sign up, visit;!!KL1yqyOaGX2drUI!1Od3ezP53Wln5GidxmoATZJIjDlWbiQ0Y2_M_q-ZZX25YhI41sR371CsovwnSL77hA$ . For more…
Active Parenting Teens Course
If you have a teen, chances are you've had challenging days. Join our fun and interactives classes! Classes available at NO COST TO ORANGE COUNTY parents and caregivers. Class size is limited. Pre-registration is required. To register, contact or (714) 361-4375. Schedule: Thursdays, 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM May 19, 26 June 2, 9,…
Ending the Silence
Ending the Silence is an engaging presentation that helps audience members learn about the warning signs of mental health conditions and what steps to take if you or a loved one are showing symptoms of a mental illness. NAMI Ending the Silence presentations include two leaders: one who shares an informative presentation and a young…
Platicando con Promotores: Duelo por Pérdida (Chatting with Promotores Grief/Loss)
Latino Health Access will be hosting Marylyn Mejia-Pena, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, to present on the topic of grief and loss. Grief is most commonly discussed in relation to the death of a loved one, however grief can be experienced following any major change. The presentation will touch on the traumatic events people experience during…
Paternidad Activa: Los Primeros Cinco Anos
Si tiene un hijo, lo mas probable es que haya tenido dias desafiantes. I acompanenos en nuestras clases divertidas e interactivas! Clases estan disponibles SIN COSTO para los padres y proveedores de cuidado del condado de Orange. El espaciio es limitado Las clases de paternidad seran a traves de la aplicacion de Zoom (en espanol)…