“Time Management and Self-Care Tips” Webinar

Zoom - Contact Organizer for Meeting ID/Passcode

WHERE: Virtual-Zoom For further information and to register for this webinar training available to the general public, please contact OE@theprioritycenter.org or call the InfoLine at 1(888) 955-6570. Once registered, a link will be sent with the meeting ID and password for the Zoom webinar. The O&E Team will be hosting a 30-minute presentation on the…

Stress and Acceptance During Crisis (OMID)

Zoom - Contact Organizer for Meeting ID/Passcode

WHERE: Webinar on ZOOM For further information and to register for this presentation available to the general public, please call OMID at 1 (949) 502-4721 or email Sara at skachineh@omidinstitute.org . Once registered, an email confirmation will be sent with further information about the Zoom meeting. We will discuss how to manage our stress and…

Nourish to Flourish

Zoom - Contact Organizer for Meeting ID/Passcode

WHERE: Zoom To register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/nourish-to-flourish-mha-tickets-103360678572 In this webinar, learn to nurture the relationship you have with yourself by finding your wonderful traits and characteristics, increasing positive self-talk, and understanding what self-care activities work for you. For additional information please contact: Yeslee Fuentes, Lead Outreach & Engagement Specialist (949) 680-0962. Email: yeslee.fuentes@wysoc.org

Grab and Go Event: Price Elementary School

Price Elementary School 1516 W North St., Anaheim, CA, United States

For more info contact 714.399.3474 Or visit aesd.org/freemeals WYS O&E will be promoting MHA Month during Anaheim Grab & Go meal distribution events for children and families.

Coping Strategies and Self-Care during COVID-19 (APAIT)

Zoom - Contact Organizer for Meeting ID/Passcode

WHERE: Webinar on ZOOM For further information and to register for this presentation available to the general public, please contact nayelir@apaitonline.org or call APAIT at 1(714) 636-1349. Once registered, an email confirmation will be sent with further information about the Zoom workshop. The APAIT O&E Team will be hosting a 60-minute presentation on how one…

Stress Management for Parents

WHERE: YouTube To receive link or more information please email: MHAMevents@phoenixhouseca.org BHIS will be facilitating a stress management lesson for parents and caregivers. During this session, the audience will receive tips on how to manage and reduce stress, ideas on how to create a new healthy routine at home, ways to unwind and a list…

CONNECT-OC Coalition Meeting

Zoom - Contact Organizer for Meeting ID/Passcode

WHERE: Zoom Connect-OC Coalition is a coalition of local community mental health professionals, local college/university faculty and students all dedicated to increasing accessibility to mental health services for transitional aged youth, young adults (TAY/YA) and their families in Orange County, CA. For more information and ways to join future coalition meetings you can visit our…

Grab and Go Event: Olive Street Elementary School

Olive Street Elementary School 890 S. Olive St., Anaheim, CA, United States

For more info contact (714) 399.3474 Or visit aesd.org/freemeals WYS O&E will be promoting MHA Month during Anaheim Grab & Go meal distribution events for children and families.

Mindfulness in Daily Life

A Zoom webinar on what mindfulness is and the benefits of it, and what is self-care, including tips and practices for it. Register to attend, visit: https://mindfulness-4-22-2021.eventbrite.com Flyers are available for each webinar. For more information, call 888-955-6571 or email oe@theprioritycenter.org

NAMI-OC’s Happy Hour

Happy Hour is an engagingly fun way to learn about how teens and young adults can be creative and inspired about prioritizing their mental health. Past Happy Hours included a live DJ music set, a sound bath, yoga, poetry readings, and featured panels and Q&A with special guests. Virtual Presentation - Zoom. For more information,…