2 events found.
Spring into Mental Health Park Gathering
"Spring into Mental Health'' is a series of park gatherings that invites LGBTQIA+ youth, young adults, students, parents, and families to join us in nature and community connection. Spending time in nature and connecting with others can do wonders for your mental health and well-being, and we want to help make that happen. So, come…
Wellness Festival: Happy Children, Healthy Adults/ Festival de Bienestar: Niños Felices, Padres Saludables
Join us to celebrate Children 's Day! Saturday, April 22 at 11:30am at Familias Corazones Verdes Park in Santa Ana. We will have interactive activities, games, giveaways and refreshments at-no cost for the whole family. Parking validations for all partitcipants will also be provided. Acompáñenos a celebrar el Dia del Niño! Sábado 22 de Abril…