2 events found.
MHSA Steering Committee Meeting
The Delhi Center 505 E Central Ave, Santa AnaMental Health Services Act (MHSA) Steering Committee Meeting
Cultural Peer Leaders Training
This training is to prepare leaders who provide care and counsel and desire to gain additional skills. Organization: Second Baptist Church of Santa Ana Location: Zoom https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYrcemorz0vH9JljGw8fGkzo4eqJGShcfhl__;!!KL1yqyOaGX2drUI!mCQiZ_xlcHCzi4m7WgmUlBpK819L50zTBRKsVfJrS0qD095CcnzhFoYgUhb9UHX-81EH6RJfNF3o5IfBm0S9n60$ For more information, contact Kelita Gardner at k.gardner@sbc.family or 714-741-0590