Facts About Mental Health Workshop (English)
Abrazar is proud to be hosting a Mental Health Awareness workshop by starting off with this English based workshop. During this workshop, the participants will learn about important facts and statistics to raise awareness about mental health, reduce stigma associated with mental illness and promote healthy seeking behaviors. This is a great time for the…
Facts About Mental Health Workshop (Spanish)
Abrazar is proud to be hosting a Mental Health Awareness workshop by starting off with this workshop in Spanish. During this workshop, the participants will learn about important facts and statistics to raise awareness about mental health, reduce stigma associated with mental illness and promote healthy seeking behaviors. This is a great time for the…
Social Media and Mental Health
The O&E Team will be hosting a virtual presentation on the topic of Social Media and Mental Health during Mental Health Awareness Month. The facilitator will explore the benefits and challenges that social media presents to our mental health and overall well-being through the ongoing pandemic, as well as tips and strategies to leverage social…
Mental Health Workshop
OCCTAC will collaborate with their Mental Health & Emotional Wellness Coordinator to conduct a workshop in lieu of May Mental Health Awareness Month. The facilitator will be discussing the importance of mental health and well-being. This discussion will be the beginning of conversation within their community to bring awareness to mental health. They will provide materials…
Platicando con Promotores: Apoyando la salud mental de su hijx LGBTQIA+ (Chatting with your Promotores: Supporting your LGBTQIA+ Child’s Mental Health)
Latino Health Access will be hosting Khloè Ríos-Wyatt, CEO/Founder of Alianza Translatinx, to present on the common mental health challenges that exists among our LGBTQIA youth, especially after having experienced a worldwide pandemic. Most importantly, this presentation will highlight what you can do as a parent, peer, teacher, mentor, etc. to support youth in identifying…