1 event found.
Re-Energize and Wellness
Join us to learn more about how to re-energize from burn out or exhaustion. This workshop will provide you with tips and information on how to reduce the impacts of burn out. This workshop will also provide the space for activities and community resources. Organization: OCAPICA Wellnessessity Location: OCAPICA-Zoom Sign up at https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://hipaa.jotform.com/wellnessessity400/re-energize-and-wellness-feb-23__;!!KL1yqyOaGX2drUI!ztNO71MOD1dqWNDsIkMMgM3wTW2DUZ8lL7SsXDlYq2gcR6Lt2-YLQNrOrAJ_W13vKg$ For more information, contact…