Stress Management during the Holidays

The holidays can keep us very busy at the end of the year, join us to learn about the ways we can manage our holiday related stress and take the time to focus on your well being. This workshop will provide education, resources and the opportunity to learn new skills and participate in activities! Organization: OCAPICA…

Mindfulness During the Holidays

The Priority Center's Outreach & Engagement Program is offering a zoom webinar on what mindfulness is and the benefits of it, and what is self-care, including tips and practices for it. Organization: The Priority Center's Outreach & Engagement Program Location: Online via Zoom Register to attend at:;!!KL1yqyOaGX2drUI!ykua6Wkl-ZG0ZCIWkrXyjAjhHQoVdMjbnLaIB9z4OE9nUxFlRjxJ7Oa_ZVIDV1o4xA$ For additional information, contact Jazmin Lopez at