1 event found.
Honest Hour: Love Line – Let’s Talk GenZ Relationships
On October 20th, join NAMI-OC for Honest Hour! We're diving deep into Gen-Z Relationships, ranging from friendships, family, dating and everything in between! Our panel will share their insights and experiences on setting boundaries, respect in relationships (romantic and platonic), online dating safety, and more! Organization: NAMI Orange County Location: Zoom Registration at no-cost: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.eventbrite.com/e/honest-hour-love-line-lets-talk-gen-z-relationships-tickets-169395958873__;!!KL1yqyOaGX2drUI!zJjmh5YtGLmoR9vWkQhqBDiaSkwRaq8KxxyobGvp04gWkyvRr_MVVTqFNr3njH1RiQ$ Do you…