Positive Coping Skills & Self Care During COVID-19

Positive Coping Skills & Self Care During COVID-19 August 24 @ 10:30 am - 11:30 am Join us today on learning how we can foster positive coping skills through COVID-19 by learning how to manage stress! Also we will be discussing the importance of self care during the pandemic. This webinar will provide you with…

Mindful Reflection

Drop by with a deep breath and an open mind. Learn about mindfulness, mindfulness exercises and practice with our question and/or quote of the day. https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.eventbrite.com/e/wellness-webinar-mindful-reflection-tickets-164888557113?aff=ebdsoporgprofile__;!!KL1yqyOaGX2drUI!1inb7nnsblWP61lHO0BvJgZjbewK0AG3pBrxbxPQokWS5HCc9BfD7lSoIG9Hq9aLsw$ For more information please contact: yshida@ocapica.org

Happy Hour: Harry Potter and The Missing Therapist

On August 24th, join NAMI-OC at Happy Hour for Harry Potter and The Missing Therapist! Mike Schubert of Potterless podcast, joins us as we explore how mental health is shown or severely lacking in the Harry Potter series. *Spoiler warning! We will be discuss plot points across the Harry Potter series. Location: ZOOM Register on…