Stress Management for Parents

WHERE: YouTube To receive link or more information please email: BHIS will be facilitating a stress management lesson for parents and caregivers. During this session, the audience will receive tips on how to manage and reduce stress, ideas on how to create a new healthy routine at home, ways to unwind and a list…

CONNECT-OC Coalition Meeting

Zoom - Contact Organizer for Meeting ID/Passcode

WHERE: Zoom Connect-OC Coalition is a coalition of local community mental health professionals, local college/university faculty and students all dedicated to increasing accessibility to mental health services for transitional aged youth, young adults (TAY/YA) and their families in Orange County, CA. For more information and ways to join future coalition meetings you can visit our…

Grab and Go Event: Olive Street Elementary School

Olive Street Elementary School 890 S. Olive St., Anaheim

For more info contact (714) 399.3474 Or visit WYS O&E will be promoting MHA Month during Anaheim Grab & Go meal distribution events for children and families.