A Season of Isolation is When the Caterpillar Gets its Wings
Los Alisos Intermediate School 25171 Moor Ave., Mission ViejoStudents will be invited to receive a Butterfly kit; it includes a self-care/caring for the caterpillars' checklist and a resource guide to help support their mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic. It will also include an invitation for a follow up YouTube video where recipients will have the opportunity to view a DIY on how…
Mental Health Awareness Month Celebration
Zoom - Contact Organizer for Meeting ID/PasscodeWHERE: Zoom https://www.eventbrite.com/e/western-youth-services-mental-health-awareness-month-celebration-tickets-103271539956 A Zoom drop-in celebration of mental health awareness month with a discussion surrounding Mental Health Awareness and Social Emotional Learning. The celebration will include a Zoom skit: A Friend In Need
Wellness Webinar: Decluttering Your Life
Zoom - Contact Organizer for Meeting ID/PasscodeWHERE: Virtual via Zoom What is decluttering really mean? Come find out what you can do to create the space of your dreams with the Ocapica team! Please contact Lorraine Tuala at ltuala@ocapica.org to register. For more information, please call (844) 530-0240
NAMI-OC “Happy” Hour: Self-Care is not Cancelled
Zoom - Contact Organizer for Meeting ID/PasscodeZoom meeting - https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83488196754 Please RSVP on eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/nami-orange-countys-happy-hour-tickets-102942796676 Sound bath and meditation to promote self-care and healing. The Orange County Outreach and Engagement (O+E) Collaborative will be distributing Mental Health Awareness material to participants.
Mental Health 101
Zoom - Contact Organizer for Meeting ID/PasscodeWHERE: Zoom To register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/mental-health-101-mha-tickets-103360453900 A webinar to reduce the stigma on Mental Health and to greater understand, support, and encourage family and friends that struggle with a Mental Health diagnosis. For additional information please contact: Yeslee Fuentes, Lead Outreach & Engagement Specialist (949) 680-0962. Email: yeslee.fuentes@wysoc.org