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Stress Management and Positive Coping Skills
May 23, 2022 @ 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Join us today on learning how we can foster positive coping skills through COVID-19 by learning how to manage stress! Also, we will be discussing the importance of self care during the pandemic. This webinar will provide you with an opportunity to practice coping skills and resources!
Organization: Orange County Asian and Pacific Islander Community Alliance (OCAPICA) Well(ness)essity
This virtual workshop is provided at no-cost by the OCAPICA Well(ness)essity Program. Please RSVP for the Zoom link: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://hipaa.jotform.com/wellnessessity400/stress-mgmt-coping-skills-may-23__;!!KL1yqyOaGX2drUI!2u2kF84lhdq4OgLneMoCbSwN-TlJnh-W9u7tV4E4YSqQD8bSmNWxuMyUx_ioxEmj-g$
For more information, contact Nikki Oei at noei@ocapica.org.