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Nourish to Flourish
May 17, 2021 @ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
In this webinar participants will learn to nurture the relationship with themselves by finding wonderful traits,
characteristics, increasing positive self-talk, and understanding what self-care activities work best to sooth their soul. In the self-esteem portion of the presentation we will cover what self-esteem is, the characteristics of both low and high self-esteem, and how to improve self-esteem.
ZOOM – https://zoom.us/j/96526491967?pwd=dGtvZCsrNEFwNFl5dThZaE9INHg4UT09
Meeting ID: 965 2649 1967
Please contact WYS O&E for Password.
For further information please contact
Yeslee Fuentes, Lead Outreach & Engagement Specialist
yeslee.fuentes@wysoc.org or call at (949) 680-0962