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LGBTQ+ Identities and Mental Health Webinar

May 18, 2022 @ 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm

During Mental Health Awareness Month, the APAIT O&E Team will be hosting a 60-minute presentation addressing LGBTQ identities and terminologies while discussing how these identities are impacted by trauma and social stressors. The O&E specialist will provide psychoeducation regarding this marginalized community. Participants will be encouraged to share their knowledge about the LGBTQ+ population and their experiences. In addition, the O&E Specialists and participants will work on how to effectively communicate with the LGBTQ+ community in an affirming and trauma-informed manner.  The facilitators will also offer an additional 30 minutes at the end of the webinar to answer any questions, and conduct one-on-ones for skills-building as needed/requested by participants.

For more information and to sign up, please visit the website at: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.eventbrite.com/o/apait-outreach-and-engagement-30748861812__;!!KL1yqyOaGX2drUI!1TvnrXyrLTUr92Kx6tDpuNB2bgPGS5ZM9ioL-JyL0uLBjJDdpWDNviQF-y-g92T6Cg$

Organization: APAIT

Location: ZOOM

Please call Brianna if you have any questions:  (714)636-1349.  Email:  briannad@apaitonline.org


May 18, 2022
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm