In a Stigma Free OC, I can be seen for who I really am. Take the pledge today and join the movement to remove stigma around mental illness and addiction.

In a Stigma Free OC, I can be seen for who I really am. Take the pledge today and join the movement to remove stigma around mental illness and addiction.

In a Stigma Free OC, I can be seen for who I really am. Take the pledge today and join the movement to remove stigma around mental illness and addiction.

In a Stigma Free OC, I can be seen for who I really am. Take the pledge today and join the movement to remove stigma around mental illness and addiction.

In a Stigma Free OC, I can be seen for who I really am. Take the pledge today and join the movement to remove stigma around mental illness and addiction.

not the condition
In a Stigma Free OC, I can be seen for who I really am. Take the pledge today and join the movement to remove stigma around mental illness and addiction.
not the condition
In a Stigma Free OC, I can be seen for who I really am. Take the pledge today and join the movement to remove stigma around mental illness and addiction.
not the condition
In a Stigma Free OC, I can be seen for who I really am. Take the pledge today and join the movement to remove stigma around mental illness and addiction.
not the condition
In a Stigma Free OC, I can be seen for who I really am. Take the pledge today and join the movement to remove stigma around mental illness and addiction.
not the condition
In a Stigma Free OC, I can be seen for who I really am. Take the pledge today and join the movement to remove stigma around mental illness and addiction.
About the Stigma Free Orange County, CA Movement
Stigma Free OC is a county-wide movement which aims to clear the stigma associated with mental illness and addiction. Stigma can make it difficult to see people for who they really are beyond the conditions they are living with. The campaign is dedicated to raising awareness of these illnesses by creating an environment where people are seen and supported in their efforts to achieve wellness and recovery.
To learn about local events in Orange County, SEE CALENDAR

1,969 PLEDGES - Add yours today!
Here are some ways you can join the Stigma Free OC movement in Orange County:
- Sign the pledge to be Stigma Free, always seeing the person not the condition
- Engage with the community through Stigma Free partnerships and events
- Educate your coworkers, staff and loved ones about how they can get help if they are struggling
COVID-19 Connection to Mental Health
Everyone reacts differently to stressful situations. If you or a loved one is experiencing these feelings, please reach out for resources and support.
Be Well Orange County – Help Happens Here
Caregivers coming together for a common purpose, with public, private, academic, faith and other organizations uniting to positively impact the mental health and wellbeing for all in Orange County. Find COVID-19-related mental health educational materials, community resources and behavioral health support at the Be Well OC COVID-19 support site:
NAMI COVID-19 Resource and Information Guide
Answers frequently asked questions regarding the intersection between COVID-19 and people affected by mental illness, their caregivers, and loved ones. The guide touches on a variety of topics from managing anxiety and social isolation to accessing health care and medications.
What You Feel Is Real Toolkit
Encourages OC residents to seek free County behavioral health services to help cope with stresses associated with COVID-19. You are not alone. Reaching out is the strongest thing you can do.